All Anthropology Articles
From the Head of Anthropology, Violeta Ungureanu

From a young age, I have been captivated by the way everything works, about the "whys'" and "hows'" of the world, and about how can I understand all that I encounter. The more I understood, the more I learned, and new horizons unfolded, fueling my thirst for knowledge. Curiosity is like a tree; the more it is watered, the taller and stronger it will grow, reaching towards the sky.
Phase-Learning has become a catalyst, providing an incredible source of water to grow my tree of curiosity. The subject of anthropology has always been one close to my heart, as it studies all aspects of human life and culture, but Phase-Learning has empowered me to dive into my passion and grow on a personal and intellectual level.
Everyone has in their hearts a curiosity tree. Beloved readers, never let that tree rot, because as Alice Munro said, "The constant happiness is curiosity". Whether is Anthropology that sparks your interest, or any other subject, follow your curiosity and watch that tree grow higher and stronger.