Atelophobia is a persistent fear of imperfection. We all sometimes focus on the mistakes we make and imperfections we have. In a society in which performance and beauty standards are sometimes unrealistic, people face the pressure of trying to be perfect. This phobia is more than the wish to be perfect. It is also the fear of being seen as imperfect. It is not unusual to sometimes feel like you are making a lot of mistakes. We people are imperfect, after all. Atelophobia is a psychological term which represents the fear of making mistakes, of not being perfect or good enough.
The main causes of phobias are hard to be determined. From one’s upbringing to the events one experienced, the factors which might cause atelophobia are diverse. This phobia can develop when one has grown in an environment where, when making mistakes, a severe punishment was applied or it may be due to events one experienced or the pressure one might face when it comes to work performance or looking in a certain way. Whatever the cause might be, there are several solutions to overcome atelophobia.
Self-reflection can be a first step in the process of overcoming this phobia, as identifying its origins is important. Accepting the fact that no one is perfect is also a necessary thing to do, as imperfection is a part of anyone’s life. We all make mistakes, we all have bad days. Setting realistic goals is important for everybody, as it prevents people from facing pressure and trying to reach perfectionism. Another solution for overcoming atelophobia is talking to someone about it, speaking with a friend, family member or a therapist will certainly be of much help.
Even though atelophobia might seem similar to perfectionism, they are two different things. Perfectionism is a personality trait and trying to be flawless sometimes happens to many people, while atelophobia is a mental health condition which can cause difficulties in one’s day-to-day life, especially when it comes to relationships and work. People with atelophobia tend to not accept criticism or have difficulties expressing their feelings due to the fear of being judged.
Atelophobia is the persistent fear of imperfection and it affects people’s lives. Accepting who you are and that there is no need to try to be perfect is an important step in one’s life. In a world where we tend to want to be perfect, we sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves to reach unrealistic goals. We all sometimes make mistakes and no one is perfect.