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Between madness and genius: "there never was a genius without a little madness"

Writer's picture: Maria GroparuMaria Groparu

Many intelligent people have sought to explain what genius is, how it is produced, its connection with madness, how it should be cultivated. Genius is described as possessing an endowment of a mystical nature, an endowment that cannot be explained by the ordinary laws of human nature, he is different.

People who have marked history over time have given multiple and various definitions for this term and we learn from them that genius involves hard work, which is true but not the complete story: it is enough to remember the absurdity of most modern educational systems to understand that work is not enough to stimulate genius creativity. The fact that some people believe that through excessive work and stress that can lead to depression and anxiety, they can stimulate our brains and so that we can become geniuses; but not everyone can reach this level "mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent immediately recognizes genius", that’s why is important to accept ourselves as we truly are, try to improve ourselves and become a better version, rather than simply lying to ourselves.

Other historical figures say that genius is born, he simply is. It seems to some that there is a pattern, that geniuses are found in the most unexpected places. Most of the time, those who come "from a broken vessel rather than a whole one" are those who have a greater sensitivity and receptivity from all points of view. A genius does not have the same perception of the world, his will always be different, he looks for other paths than the ones already paved, he seeks to discover. The fact that many who have potential are fenced in, have rules that bind them, their wings are cut, they are like the nightingale in the golden cage. They need freedom, space to breath, to understand themselves as any other person should; everyone needs freedom and a healthy environment more than we imagine. A place in which we can thrive, feel at ease and just be happy, but it is not so accessible these days. Most of them cannot even value their potential because they are afraid of what people will think, or they are simply not recognized or ignored. That’s the reason why everyone of us need to open our eyes, look around and see, see the good differences, accept them, and help those who cannot help themselves. We have to always hope for the best and never give up.

In conclusion, everything is a paradox, genius is mad, but madmen are nowhere near geniuses. Clearly, this "madness" differs radically from the one which is observed at the victims of the unfortunate disease, the genius man is at the same time as healthy as possible, maybe even healthier than "normal" people.


Books: „Believe in Yourself” by Joseph Murphy and „The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale


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