Would you believe me, if I told you, we had 9 senses. Yes, 9 senses! Don't believe me?
Well we all know that there are 5 common senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Yet there are 4 more senses many don't know of, pain, balance, temperature and proprioception.
So what are these senses?
Pain is a complex sense because it's both a discriminative sensation and an emotional
experience associated with potential or actual damage. Discriminative sensation allows us to pinpoint the exact location of pain, but emotional response to pain varies from chronic or acute pain. Chronic pain lasts over 3 months, leading to anxiety and depression, while acute pain is short, causing crying, screaming, or frustration, we all know. Pain receptors are alerted after an injury, informing the brain of potential tissue damage. A rare condition called (CIPA) causes individuals to not sense pain, which is extremely deadly (most not living over 25), showing us how essential pain is in protecting us.
Yes, balance is a sense, to be exact a vestibular sense. It basically is input form our inner
ear, which detects our head positions, body movements, bending up and down etc. “The
vestibular system senses the orientation of our body relative to gravity”, (The) So how does this connect to balance, well when lifting our leg, the vestibular system helps us redistribute our weight to avoid falling, to maintain said balance.
This sense is the capability of our body to detect temperature. Not only are we able to
detect extreme temperatures but also more pleasant, cool or warm ones. We humans sense
temperature through thermoreceptors, that “document” the absolute or relative change in
temperature, e.g triggering our reflex to pull away from a hot stove. This sense is vital, like any other, to survive.
Proprioception aka “kinaesthesia” is our body awareness. Through proprioception
we are able to sense self-movement, force and body positions. It basically allows us to
track where our body is in terms of space. Imagine this, you're sitting on your couch,
reading this, and reaching down to scratch your knee, you're able to do so because your body knows where your hands and knees are, literally proprioception. Without it humans would struggle much more to do simple actions, as described. It works through tiny
signals located within our body, informing us how our joints are moving to adjust our
muscles as needed.
So do you believe me? We do have 9 senses which are all vital for us.