Have you ever thought about the fact that it would only cost $168 to "build" a human being? Considering that 59 different chemical elements make up a human body, this might be hard to believe. 24 of these are known as "essential elements" because they are necessary for our survival. 99.1% of the human body is made up of these six elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. The remaining 0.9% are vanadium, magnesium, tin, copper and other elements. Oxygen is the most significant part of the human being, occupying approximately 61% of the available space. We are not light and airy like a balloon because much of the oxygen in our bodies is mixed with the hydrogen that makes up 10% of us to form water, which is surprisingly heavy as anyone who has ever tried to move a swimming pool for children or simply put on wet clothes.
But no matter how many times you pay or how meticulously you assemble the components, you will never be able to create a human being. Even if you gathered the smartest people who ever lived and gave them access to all human knowledge, they still wouldn't be able to create even one living cell of a human body.
Seven trillion billion (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or seven octillion) atoms make up our body. No one is aware of the motivation behind the intense desire of the seven trillion atoms to become part of us. After all, they are mindless particles that have no notion or thought attached to them. However, throughout our existence, they make up the countless systems and structures necessary to keep us going, to give us shape, and to keep us from robbing you of the rare and special pleasure a life will have.
The work is obviously much more difficult than you realize. A human body in pieces is absurdly large. Understanding the complexity of the human body requires knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Its structure influences the functions it performs, and those functions can be inferred from the structure. For example, the lungs' many alveolar sacs, which have extremely thin walls, allow the exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. Our entire blood vessel system is long enough to circle the globe 2.5 times. The most amazing component is the DNA. Each of our cells has a meter of DNA, so if we were to unroll all the DNA in our body into a thin thread, it would be more than 10 billion miles long and extend beyond Pluto. Can you believe that? We contain enough stuff to travel beyond our solar system. We are truly
cosmological beings.
However, the atoms that go into our component are just building blocks and not real thatliving things. All of us agree that a cell is the fundamental building block of life. Ribosomes and proteins, DNA, RNA, mitochondria, and many other little puzzles are all very active components of the cell, but none of them are alive. A tissue is a collection of cells with a common structure that cooperate to perform a single function. The organ, which is the immediately higher level of organization, is made up of two or more different types of tissues. The last level of structural organization is the organ system, which consists of a number of organs that have complementary roles. Through the functioning of the systems together, the organism is formed which constitutes the highest level of organization; this level being YOU!
➢ Bill Bryson, “The Body: A Guide for Occupants”
➢ https://www.healthline.com/
➢ https://www.britannica.com/science/human-body
➢ https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/human-body-systems