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Writer's pictureMaria Purice

Minding the gap

When we use the subway system, we are strongly advised to maintain a considerable distance from the railway, in order to protect ourselves from the oncoming train. While we get on, we mind the gap between the platform and the train. But how come we take precautions regarding this gap whilst we ignore theirksome gender pay gap?


Throughout history, women had to advocate and fight for their rights such as voting or being allowed to follow a career. In spite of this, women worldwide are still not considered equal to men from society’s standpoint. As misogynistic attitudes have continued to flourish across generations of both adult and young men, women are expected to do it all: to have a respectable job and be successful at it, while keeping up with house chores and raising children at the same time. In addition to this, women are statistically paid less than men, while doing the same job.


Studies have shown that a woman working full-time, year-round is paid 83.7% of what a man makes. No matter how hard you work or how qualified you are, as a woman, you will never be paid as much as your male colleagues. The reasoning behind the existence of pay inequality is a complex dilemma, but it couldpartly be accredited to the fact that women are prone to have career hiatuses (due to raising families). Furthermore, there are fewer women than men in executive positions and they perform more hours of unpaid work (childcare/housework), which ultimately affects their performance career-wise. 


However, the consequences of the wage gap have shown dramatic effects on women’s lives worldwide. They are more vulnerable to experiencing unemployment and social exclusion at an older age and, consequently, they are at a higher risk of poverty compared to men. Furthermore, when women take into consideration raising a family, they also have to think about the length of parental leave, which varies depending on each country’s health policies.


Pay inequality is one of the least recognized issues plaguing the modern world. Not only is it frustrating for the female population, but a matter of this kind should find no place in a healthy, thriving society. It is vital to become educated and to raise awareness regarding this topic. Unfortunately, there is no evident solution to bring this problem to an end any time soon, but we can only hope that young, educated, new generations of men and women will be able to close the gap.



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