I guess most of us are having fights near holidays. Well, no need to be surprised because it is a common thing! Usually, we do not spend too much time with all the family united. Parents are at work, children are at school, and the pets are sleeping somewhere in a warm corner. This hierarchy keeps us busy and makes us not argue much, but sometimes we need a little break. We tend to bury ourselves in work to be more successful and achieve more. Although this desire to be busy can result in high achievement and success, it can turn into a double-edged sword if you aren’t taking the time to properly rest and take care of your mental health. Being around holidays can feel a little overwhelming if you are used to or need to have time to yourself.
A British study found in 2011 that December is one of the most dangerous months for couples; most of them consider breaking up with their significant other. Deborah Jeff, Head of Family Law at West End Law firm Seddons, which carried out the research, said: "Although December can be a wonderful time for many families, it can also be a time of stress and strain for others. If a relationship is already suffering due to poor communication or lack of time for each other, this will be heightened during a month when we are busy focusing our attentions on keeping other people happy, such as extended family and friends."
We might ask ourselves why communication is the key in a relationship; if we don't discuss a problem and decide to use the silent treatment, then that person won't know what is the reason why are we upset. Also through words, we can express our feelings, thoughts, and perspectives overall build trust.
Money is at the root of the arguments, then comes visiting in-laws and stressing to make everything perfect for everyone, but sadly on your own which is another factor that can constitute the base for a further argument.
Now let's talk about the "kids these days" effect. Older generations think about the new ones that they are below their level; the other way around Gen Z's look at the baby boomers as a pristine civilization. This way of thinking dates to Aristotle. The old ones believed the same when they were the same age as the newest generation; as they advanced in age, the lifestyle that ruled their life became like a safe space, and felt like they needed to prevail in their manner of living, to feel safe. On the other hand, it's scientifically proven that every young generation is the smartest for the fact that they adapt to the latest environment and have access to more information since the world is evolving every minute.
In conclusion, the stress that accumulates, the ego that most human beings have is bigger than it should be, and the change of traditions and different mindsets and principles, create adversarial discussions.