“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”
In theoretical terms: “Consciousness is defined as that part of the human
psyche that induces mental agony and feelings of guilt when we disregard it and
feelings of pleasure and well-being when our actions, thoughts and words are in
accordance with our value system. Conscience reacts when man's actions, thoughts, and words conform to or contradict a standard of right and wrong.”
"If I fail, I will be laughed at; I can't handle it, it is too hard; I'll never
adapt; I'm too resistant to the new." They are lines that everyone has given themselves
at least once, in their thoughts or out loud. The problem arises when such "constructive
voices" are heard at every test we are subjected to. In which case we have to learn to
control them and turn them from enemies into friends.
Experts call this voice "self-dialogue". And the dialogue is usually a very
critical one, because this inner voice is the harshest evaluator of our actions and
thoughts. This voice can induce painful emotions, it can block us from action, it can
criticize and blame us, it can ruin our health, relationships, taste for life and everything
we have most precious in the world. In such situations, we perceive this voice in our
head as a dangerous enemy.
But don’t worry, there are many solutions for this „voice” that can seem very
overbearing, self-reassurence. Have you ever tried it? It’s quite simple, you constantly
tell yourself that you are able to fight. "You can do this, I trust you; or You will
succeed in whatever you decide to do." This type of constructive dialogue with
ourselves must be resumed whenever voices make their presence felt. "I have to solve
this problem; Give it a shot, you can do it; Smile!; You did it once, you will do it
again; You are much stronger than they think you are." Because self-confidence is a
game of the mind and a war of nerves. And those who are successful in what they do
are, first of all, people who manage to motivate themselves more effectively than
anyone else could motivate them. So never give up!
BOOKS: „Believe in Yourself” by Joseph Murphy and „The Power of Positive
Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale