Worldwide we are witnessing one of the most heated political debates, that being the US elections. From Jubilee’s series of Democrats vs Republicans, the incoherent debates and ideas that are being spread internationally, this time I will focus specifically on the campaigns and the threats to democracy that Project 2025 holds.

Trump’s Campaign
Whilst Trump’s campaign is mostly focused on misinformation and blatant accusations, such as the Biden administration letting in illegal immigrants who ‘’are eating the dogs and the cats’’, there are also a lot of things that Trump has done in order to gain voters, which I find unethical. One example being the creation of an AI generated picture of Trump surrounded by POC to show how great of a man he is and that he supports minorities, which during these latest debates but also in 2020. Another aspect that I deem unethical is calling Kamala Harris a ‘’mentally disabled person’’ and calling jewish voters ‘’fools’’. Whilst I personally do not agree with any sort of political extremism as stated in my last articles, I do believe that regardless, political candidates should promote ideology that does treat everyone at least with a bare minimum of respect.
Project 2025
The pure American Republican Dream, Project 2025. Highly promoted by its creators, it is a project that gives the executive power, meaning the president, more rights, whilst taking away all reproductive rights, ban the discussion of LGBTQ+ and would strip all protection of women and people of colour. After several decades of women fighting for their right to speak, exist, vote and have a place as valuable members of society, this plan of the Republican Party would allow once again for the abuse of political power, discrimination by the state against anyone but white men and would ensure the protection of men who will do anything, regardless of legality, morality or ethics, to ensure the traditional family.
Harris Campaign
Yes, Harris is winning in the polls currently, and there are certainly a lot of motives why, and why people are completely dismissing her actions as a main prosecutor between 1990-2004. I do not want to state that during the last debate anyone won, however I can take into consideration that she did discuss policy more and stayed focused on the purpose of the debate much more than Trump did.
“Brat Summer” and how it actually was a great strategy
Whilst Trump was degrading and judging anyone that he believed that were inferior (seemingly close to the racial arguments of the west during colonialism times) Kamala joined the digital era even more by interacting with the people and public figures that are generally really liked and that was one of the best things she could’ve done for her campaign. Why? Because it showed that she wasn’t going after the people, but rather that she was part of them, art of the community and that she was actually following democratic values such as Unity through Diversity (this european union reference is in fact quite important due to the european parliament constantly going against Trump’s campaign)
As a closing remark, I would like to discuss the issue of misinformation, and that Trump is specifically going after less educated folks or people who are more easily convinced, which is a major issue because being able to convince millions of people into believing lies about minorities is a great threat to their safety, and with Project 2025 taking away their protection its holding them against an uncertainty if they have a place in their own country or will they face the unknowing of how long they will have to live, and under what circumstances.