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When confidence crosses the line: Narcissism

Writer's picture: Andreea-Raluca Bratu Andreea-Raluca Bratu

There's a fine line between self love and narcissism. How can you tell if a person is confident or he is just in love with himself, that of course comes with some really bad personality traits. Let's dive in and see how you can detect people who have a god complex and how you can manage them, because let's be honest, you can't save them!

Narcissism is basically being in love with yourself and ignoring other people's needs, not caring if your behavior is impacting the other person. They lack empathy and are engaged in romantic relationships just for their ego and for the reassurance that they are the best. 

But what is the cause of this god complex? How can a person become so selfish and thinks he's superior? Well, childhood did them dirty, their parents gave them too much attention or too little and they did not match their true potential and achievement. Yet, another cause is genetics, they inherited characteristics and personality traits from their family. Another possibility is neurobiology. When you think that you are the best and act like that, well you can become a narcissist.

There are two types of narcissism, the grandiose narcissism: this occurs when they are treated like they are superior and they tend to expect that in their adult lives, they are overly confident, dominant and aren't sensitive at all. The second one is the vulnerable narcissism, this is the cause of being neglected in childhood.They try to protect their feelings and are bothered when they are not treated special. 

Now that we are familiar with some basics about this type of personality, let's cover the signs and symptoms of a narcissist. They usually don't seek help because they think that there's nothing wrong with them. They have a sense of privilege and think that everyone should obey their wishes and that they don't have to respect rules. They tend to have manipulating behavior to get their way into everything. Arrogance is not forgotten, they get really aggressive and rude when they don't receive the special treatment. Their need for admiration and divinization is there, trust me they need validation from others and when they don't receive it they will brag about their achievements. Also, they have a hard time managing their emotions and behavior.

While understanding the roots of narcissism is valuable, dealing with people like this should require setting some boundaries. Recognizing the signs and setting boundaries is essential when you are in any kind of relationship with them. 



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