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Why Biden and Not a Woman Instead?

Writer's picture: Amelie LongeacAmelie Longeac

When it comes to women getting involved in politics, they unfortunately have to face biased, sexist and discriminatory treatment. Their presence in the parliament and legislatures is mandatory in order to ensure a fair decision in the domain, as they have a much stronger attention on issues that relate to women rights.

Actual research shows that women’s underrepresentation in politics boils down to their confidence, where they tend to not appear as powerful in elections, as well as the culture, given the fact that politics is often considered as a mens’ field.

The topic of sexism is very often brought up when discussing politics, and I personally find this perception absolutely unacceptable.

But that being said, what can we do to help women evolve in politics? Well we could first and foremost invest more in them, create mentoring and training programs that could help boost their confidence. We could also set a quota or a zipping system that makes sure no bias is happening at the time of election. Moreover, there could also be established a zero tolerance to sexism policy, in order to reduce the overwhelming quantity of it in the world of politics all around the world.

But isn’t equality mandatory? Why shall women be praised? No one said that women shall be superior, but we are faced with an unfortunate situation where women are considered inferior, and over 50% of politics have been ruled by men, and I think it’s time to change that.

“Why do people mostly talk about women rights? There is a literal commission in the ECOSOC dedicated to them, namely the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Shouldn’t this be considered biased as well?” We hear something along these lines pretty often. And what is my answer to this?

This commission had been created because, even centuries ago, women have been considered second class citizens, and even in the 21st century, they still are not treated equal to men. And do I find that normal? Of course not!

I think that the standards imposed by society force females to lose their confidence over the slightest mistakes they make and over the slightest act of “weakness” they show.


Women in politics and the media | International IDEA

Why Women in Politics?

Women's political participation - NIMD

Why we need more women in politics - King's College London

Political Participation of Women

Women in Politics


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