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All Biology Articles

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A message from the Head of Biology, Alexandru Burlacu

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-10 at 20.22_edite

Biology has always been considered a topic hard to understand, that not make many people are interested in. However, in my opinion there are many aspects of this subject that explain different molecular process happening around us, influencing our lives on a daily basis.


Biology requires time and patience to figure out but with these qualities everyone can get a better understanding of the world we live in. With this mentality, I sought to make people see biology in a more positive light. Thanks to the Phase Learning online platform, this mission has turned out to be a success for me. I started my journey here as one of the first writers, and now I am the Head of the Biology department.


Now, I encourage other teenagers to take a dive in the miraculous world of anatomy, zoology and other biological branches by pushing beyond their creative limits for each article. Our community is thriving and is now an international one where people around the world put their effort and passion in offering the public the best and most accessible information. I hope to see more writers that can make a difference. After all, every small effort can be a game changer. The future looks bright and so does Phase Learning!

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