All Economics Articles
From the Head of Economics, Anda Pascu, student in Zürich, Switzerland

Throughout my journey with education and learning in general, I have discovered that finding your passions can sometimes be a straight forward, immediate attraction, while other times it involves a slow build up of cultivating interest and discovering hidden gems, so to speak.
I have come to regard economics as both a science and an art, both logical and creative… and that is why I love our economics department at Phase Learning so much!
Through our writers' varied interests and knowledge in this field, our platform plays host to diverse discussions through all of our insightful articles, each with its own interpretation. That is why I am honoured to be Phase Learning's Switzerland Representative and introduce our unique platform to people all over the world!
My advice to those reading our articles is to welcome learning, whatever forms it may come in, because finding your passions is worth it (no matter at what speed).